Complete your day in our small wellness area and enjoy the peace and quiet of our relaxation oasis. Relax in the Finnish sauna or refresh yourself in our indoor pool. We will be happy to organize a massage offer tailored to your personal needs for you at reception.

Lomi Lomi Nui Massage

Hot stone massage

Raindrop massage

Lomi Lomi Nui Massage

The Lomi Lomi Nui massage (which means rubbing, pulling, kneading) gets the fluids in the body moving and affects all areas of the body in a unique way. The main focus here is on connecting all structures and delving into deeper layers of tissue. Hawaiians traditionally use this massage when a person is facing important decisions or transitions in life (e.g. women in transition). A deeply relaxing journey into the body according to traditional Hawaiian rituals awaits you. The treatment traditionally takes place completely naked.


90 min
€ 125,00
Lomi Lomi Nui Massage

Hot stone massage

In many cultures, the mode of action and elemental power of hot basalt stones was used to relax the muscles, while cold stones were used to cool or cleanse. The massage has a calming, relaxing effect and increases the metabolic process in the tissue. The immune system and lymph flow are stimulated, muscle tension is released and pain is relieved. The excellent effect of hot stone massage has been reported particularly for chronically cold hands and feet. The hot stone massage works on a physical, emotional and mental level, releases blockages and creates the basis for relaxation.


90 min
€ 90,00
Hot stone massage

Raindrop massage

RAINDROP TECHNIQUE® is a combination of ancient and now rediscovered knowledge of active plant ingredients, the techniques of Dr. Gary Young and the healing rituals of the Lakota Indians. The technique helps to bring the body into balance and harmony through targeted massage and the use of special, pure essential oils. The massage incorporates 9 pure essential oils and oil blends that work on a physical, mental and emotional level and activate the body's self-healing powers.


80 min
€ 90,00
raindrop massage

Balance Massage

This soothing massage relaxes your back and feet. Immerse yourself in the world of high-quality essential fragrances, accompanied by a warm body oil. Even a short break full of rest and relaxation can work wonders!


30 min
€ 45,00
60 min
€ 80,00
Balance Massage

Small but nice

Complete your day in our small wellness area and enjoy the peace and quiet of our relaxation oasis. Relax in the Finnish sauna or refresh yourself in our indoor pool.
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kleiner spa slider
kleiner spa slider

Sustainability and
10 % travel bonus

We at Hubertushof feel a shared responsibility to leave an intact environment to our descendants. That is why we also try - in the truest sense of the word - to be economical with nature. This starts with our kitchen, where we use regional products wherever possible and do not use plastic, or with our cleaning and hotel laundry, where we pay attention to the environmental compatibility of cleaning agents and use cleaning products sparingly. We also want to set an example for the reduction of private transportation. Therefore, for the sake of our environment: If you travel to us by public transport, whether by bus or train, you will receive a 10% bonus on the room rate on presentation of your ticket. If you have any questions about the travel bonus, please contact us at:


We at Hubertushof feel that we share responsibility for ensuring that we preserve our world for our children and grandchildren in the same way that we inherited it from our parents and grandparents and, above all, that we pass on our landscape, mountains, lakes, traditional villages and their culture.

That is why we also try - in the truest sense of the word - to endure with nature. This starts with our cuisine, where we use products from the region wherever possible, and continues with our cleaning products, where we focus on environmental compatibility; but we also want to set an example by reducing private transport and increasing public transport to protect our climate.

That's why we make our guests a "sustainable offer": if you travel to us by public transport, whether by bus or train, you get a 10% discount on our room rate.
For the sake of our environment.

You can reach us at
+43 (0) 6132/24445


Wir reservieren gerne einen Tisch oder einen Raum für Ihre Veranstaltung für Sie

Sie erreichen uns unter

+43 (0) 6132/24445
07:00 - 10:00 Uhr
Dienstag bis Samstag
07:00 - 21:00 Uhr
07:00 - 14:30 Uhr
hotel@hubertushof.co.atto the contact form